Discovery Reef Scavenger Hunt!

By: Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

Discovery Reef, inside the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium's Shores and Aquarium region, is home to approximately 300 fish! From clownfish to zebra sharks, the beautiful underwater world inside Discovery Reef is sure to bring nothing but positive, calming vibes to all guests who visit.

This blog features some fun facts about five of the many different fish species that call Discovery Reef home.

But wait!

Don't just read-- take this blog with you during your next visit to the Zoo to see if you can spot members of each species.


Ready, Set, Search!


Clown triggerfish

Clown triggerfish

Named for its resemblance to a clown, the clown triggerfish has teeth that are thought to continuously grow. Those teeth help crush crustaceans to eat.

Orbiculate batfish

Orbiculate batfish

This large fish is described as “nearly circular."  It originates from the Indo Pacific, but is also an introduced species in Florida waters.

White margin tang

White margin tang

This species is also called a "unicorn fish." It's pretty easy to tell why!

Pennant coral fish

Pennant coral fish

These fish typically live in pairs as adults. Their dorsal fins are long and white. 

Zebra shark

zebra shark

This bottom feeding shark species gets its name from its appearance at birth. When it is a juvenile, it is striped. However, as they grow older, the stripes fade to spots!

Were you able to find them all?

Challenge your friends and family to see if they can spot all of these species in Discovery Reef during their next trip to the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. 

Head to Discovery Reef in the Columbus Zoo's Shores and Aquarium Region

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