The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium’s resident long-spine porcupinefish, Dill Prickle, underwent surgery in January 2022 to treat a lens luxation, a condition where the lens becomes detached and free-floats inside the eye. If left untreated, lens luxation can result in impaired vision and glaucoma that could lead to the need to remove the eye entirely. This 20-minute surgery was successfully and safely completed, thanks to an extraordinary collaboration with veterinary ophthalmologist, Dr. Terah Webb from MedVet Columbus.

With returning to Discovery Reef as the ultimate goal, Dill’s recovery has not been linear. However, the dedicated staff at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium have done everything possible to keep him healthy during this process. In this blog, we will share the ups and downs that Dill Prickle has experienced while recovering and how this tiny (but mighty!) fish is doing today.
March 2022: While recovering behind-the-scenes, Dill Prickle received injections of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories while closely monitored by our Animal Care and Animal Health teams. Two months following the procedure, things were looking good for Dill! While it did appear that his depth perception was slightly affected by the procedure (which our Animal Health team predicted would occur), he appeared to have retained vision in the affected eye. He continued to eat well and behave like a normal pufferfish.
April 2022: The Animal Health team noticed some gas bubbles developing in Dill Prickle’s affected eye. These bubbles were inhibiting his vision, so the Animal Health team got to work on creating a treatment plan to get rid of the bubbles. During this time, Dill remained in quarantine as he was still regularly monitored by and receiving regular medication from Columbus Zoo veterinary staff.
May 2022: Despite their efforts, the Animal Health staff was unable to rid Dill Prickle’s eye of the gas bubbles, and, unfortunately, Dill seemed to have lost vision in that eye. While there have been other cases of the same species living a somewhat normal life with these bubbles, the Animal Care and Animal Health teams wanted to continue to closely monitor him for any signs of pain or discomfort. If they occurred, the Animal Health team would have to remove his eye. Despite all that was going on, everyone remained optimistic for Dill and continued to wish him a speedy recovery while remaining devoted to his care.
July 2022: While the gas bubbles remained in his affected eye, Dill wasn’t showing any signs of pain and continued to eat well and behave normally.
September 2022: Dill Prickle began the next step in his recovery journey! In addition to behaving and eating normally without any signs of discomfort, Dill was recently transferred to a larger behind-the-scenes holding tank. He is expected to join the other 300 fish in Discovery Reef within the next couple of months. At that point, he will be viewable to the public.
We are proud of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium’s dedicated Animal Care and Animal Health teams that have made Dill’s recovery possible. Dill Prickle’s story goes to show that, no matter how big or small, all animals are deserving of the best care in order to live healthy lives.

December 2022 Update:
Goodbyes are never easy, even for the smallest creatures. Our dear friend, Dill Prickle, passed away on November 28, leaving behind many sad hearts at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.
Dill served as a small yet great ambassador for his species since his cataract eye surgery story was shared this year. His care team remembers him as curious, inquisitive, and playful…sometimes even spitting water at them. To celebrate Dill Prickle and the incredible care he received, we welcome you to visit the other fascinating species that call Discovery Reef home.