Friends of Bonobos

Friends of Bonobos are on a mission to save and protect bonobos and their rainforest home.


  • Rescue, sanctuary, and rewilding
  • Partnering with local communities to tackle root causes and save rainforest
  • Raising the profile of bonobos locally and globally

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Lola ya Bonobo

Located in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lola Ya Bonobo is a center for bonobo rescue, rehabilitation, and release. They also make a significant impact on saving this critically endangered species through education with support from the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.

Together with the release project at Ekolo Ya Bonobo Reserve, this project is making a significant impact on the conservation of the critically-endangered bonobo in the only country where this species lives.

The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium recently awarded a 3-year grant to Lola ya Bonobo, allowing the organization to focus on preparing bonobos from the sanctuary for rewilding and eventual release at a 120,000-acre sister sanctuary called Ekolo ya Bonobo – a protected area in a rainforest habitat.

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The Columbus Zoo's Involvement

  • Since 2000, the Columbus Zoo has provided over $500,000 to support Lola ya Bonobo’s rescue and rehabilitation efforts and educational programs and will continue to in the future.
  • The Columbus Zoo helps fund their education facility that serves children and adults from Kinshasa. From bonobo encounters and kindness clubs in schools, to free film screenings educating the public on disease transmission through bushmeat, Lola is changing perceptions about bonobos and ensuring a brighter future.
  • Claudine André from Lola Ya Bonobo was the first recipient of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium’s prestigious Commitment to Conservation Award in 2013. 
  • The Columbus Zoo recently named their indoor bonobo habitat after Claudine André to recognize her work with Friends of Bonobos and Lola ya Bonobo.