string lights against night sky


Meet Santa's Helpers!

Aren't they beautiful?  Wave hello as you continue on your HOOFit journey at Wildlights. 

Your Progress

Total distance walked from HOOFit Start 1.35 miles
Distance from park exit (Straight there) 0.32 miles
Distance to route end (via HOOFit route) 0.15 miles


Zoo Message

One of the most popular areas to visit during Wildlights is the reindeer habitat! Reindeer were some of the first animals at the Columbus Zoo when it first opened in 1927. Here are some fun facts to share at your next family gather or work meeting:

  • Both male and female reindeer grow antlers
  • Male reindeer antlers fall off in early to mid-December, whereas the females will lose their antlers in the summer. So that means, Santa’s sleigh is pulled by 8 powerful and dashing female reindeers!
  • Reindeer noses are specially designed to warm the air before it gets into their lungs

OhioHealth Hint

Does being cold make you sick? You might hear your mother’s advice, “cover up or you’ll catch a cold!” when you step outside into the brisk wintry air. The truth is, the cold isn’t the culprit – viruses are.

Now we do tend to get more colds in the winter, and that’s because the air is cold and dry, meaning a virus can travel farther and stay in the air longer when someone coughs or sneezes.

But we still suggest taking mom’s advice and bundling up. Keeping your body temperature at an optimal level will fight off things like exposure, hypothermia and frostbite. So don’t forget those hats and gloves!

Next Up:

Head to your final HOOFit stop: Santa! 

  • Located inside the building at Polar Frontier.