Animal Care Professionals At The Wilds Save Five Endangered Rare Dhole Pups

By: Jen Fields, Director of Communications

Cumberland, OH – Five rare dhole pups are thriving at The Wilds as the result of the successful hand-rearing efforts of the conservation center’s care teams. Born on February 16, 2019, this is the second litter of dhole (pronounced “dole”) pups ever born at The Wilds—one of just four facilities in the United States that cares for this endangered species.

The pups (two males and three females) were born in a behind-the-scenes denning area to mother, Csilla (pronounced “Chia”), and father, Beni. The Wilds’ team of experts intervened with caring for the pups, saving their lives when their mother did not survive after her uterus ruptured during birth. The Wilds animal health and animal management teams worked closely with one another to provide around-the-clock care to the pups during the first few weeks to do everything possible to help them survive. While only a handful of cases of hand-rearing dholes have ever been recorded, the teams note that the pups have since opened their eyes, are starting to eat solid food, and are beginning to exhibit play behavior. Soon, the pups will be weaned off of their bottles and will begin reintroductions into the pack of four other dholes.

Dholes (Cuon alpinus), also known as Asiatic wild dogs, are quite rare and are listed as endangered in their native range throughout Central, South and Southeast Asia. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), dholes can sometimes be found in countries including India, Cambodia and Indonesia, but their populations are believed to have been extirpated in other regions due to habitat loss, disease, human persecution and depletion of their prey base. As dhole populations in their native range continue to decline, the births of these five pups at The Wilds are especially significant additions to the future of this species.

Although the pups are not visible to guests at this time, they may soon be visible on Winter at The Wilds tours in the Carnivore Center; however, The Wilds team is taking their cues from the pups and making decisions based on how the pups continue to progress in growth. Additionally, depending on when and how reintroductions to the rest of the pack progress, guests may be able to catch a glimpse of the pups later this summer on Wildside Tours and Open-Air Safari Tours (resuming on May 1) once the young pups have grown and matured enough to venture out on their own.

For more information about booking your next trip to The Wilds, please visit our website.

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