Zoo scholarships can help ignite a spark of inspiration, offering students exceptional educational prospects they might otherwise never encounter.

We proudly present various scholarship opportunities, enriching both schools and individuals. Don't hesitate to apply early, as our funding is limited, but the potential for life-changing experiences is boundless.

children walking at zoo

Learning is Wild Scholarship

Engaging students in the discovery of our natural world is how we build future conservationists. We are excited to offer the Learning is Wild Scholarship, thanks to the generous support of the American Electric Power Foundation, to help teachers provide a memorable experience for their students. The scholarship will fund up to 75 percent of the group’s field trip costs.

The application period has closed for Spring 2025. Check back in August for the Fall 2025 application. 

What Funds Can Be Used For
  • Admission to the Zoo for School Groups
  • Transportation to and from the Zoo. 75% of the transportation costs or $300 per school, whichever is the lesser of the two, may be applied for transportation.
Scholarship Qualifications
  • Public schools in Central Ohio where 30 percent or more of the student population are on the free or reduced lunch program
  • Private and independent schools in Central Ohio where 30 percent or more of the student population attends on scholarship
What Happens After You're Approved
  • Once your scholarship is approved, the Conservation Education Department will notify you of the approval status via email.
  • You will receive a unique promotional code to register and pay for your trip.
  • After you visit the Zoo, scholarship recipients will be required to complete an online survey. The survey will provide the Zoo with vital information to guide us in providing valuable opportunities to school groups in the future.

Individual Scholarships

Melvin B. Dodge Scholarship Fund

Mel believed all children in Franklin and Delaware Counties deserved an opportunity to enjoy our Zoo and learn more about the natural world. The Dodge family established the scholarship to honor Mel, one of the Zoo’s most avid supporters.

These funds have been utilized for the year. Thank you!

Columbus Zoo Education Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is funded by the generosity of previous educational program participants. These families share our ideals that all children should have the opportunity to enjoy a day at the Zoo and learn about our natural world.

These funds have been utilized for the year. Thank you!

Individual Scholarship FAQs

What programs do scholarship funds apply to?

The most common use of funds is for our Summer Camps; however, funds are available for many of our other educational programs, please email educlass@columbuszoo.org with questions.

Please note, transportation assistance is not available for individual scholarship applicants.

What are the requirements and restrictions for Individual Scholarship Funds?

Individuals who would otherwise not be able to attend education programs can be awarded need-based funding.

  • A financial statement of need must be included in the application
  • One scholarship per participant may be awarded per year. If applying for multiple participants, submit one form for each individual.
  • Applications are due at least three weeks before the scheduled educational program begins.
  • Notification of approval status may take up to two weeks.
  • Missing the scheduled program without notifying the Conservation Education Department may result in future scholarship denial.
  • Scholarship approval does not guarantee a spot in the educational program. Registration is based on availability.
  • Scholarship Funds do not include transportation assistance.
What happens after I am approved?

Once your scholarship is approved, the Conservation Education Department will notify you of the approval status. Once notified, follow these steps:

  • You will be contacted to confirm the date, time and title of your requested program, and notified of availability of the program.
  • If the program is available, you will be registered and asked to pay for 10% of the program fees.
  • After registration and payment, you will receive a confirmation email with important program details.