Thank you for being part of our global conservation family!

At the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, we're committed to making a real difference in the world of animal conservation. Our dedication extends beyond the Zoo's gates, reaching both local communities in Ohio and conservation efforts worldwide. Here are just a few of the remarkable conservation projects that we proudly support.


Tom Schmid, President and CEO of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium and The Wilds, with an exciting message about our new, groundbreaking conservation programs.

Empowering People. Saving Wildlife.

This statement isn't just a slogan – it's our mission, and it's deeply woven into every step we take.

The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium and The Wilds continue to embark on a transformative journey, growing from two of the nation’s premiere zoological facilities to becoming even more impactful wildlife conservation institutions.


Conservation Programs at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium